WithyourJenn-Airgrillandaccessories,literallyanyfoodyou'veconsidered"atits best"
whenpreparedoutdoorscan now be preparedindoorswith lessfuss and great flavor.
The followingsuggestionsare good rulesto follow and will increaseyour enjoymentof
the equipment.
• Besure to followdirectionson page 9 for using the grill.
• Suggestedcookingtimes andcontrolsettingsereapproximatedue to vadationsin
meatsand etectricalvoltage. Experiencewill quicklyindicatecookingtimesaswell
as which settingswork best.
• Usethe Energy-Savergrill elementfor grilling smallamountsof food on haftof the
grill orfor keepingcookedfoodswarm or preparingfood requiringdifferentcontrol
• Forbestresults,buytop grademeat. Meatthat isatleasts,4inchwillgrillbetterthan
thinner cuts.
• Score fat on edges of steak, but do not cut into meat, to prevent cuding whi}e
• Forthe attractive "branded"look on steaks,be suregrill is preheated. Allow one
sideofmeattocook todesireddoneness,or untiljuicesappearonthetop surface,
beforeturning. Turn steaksandhamburgersjust once. Manipulatingfoodcauses
lossof juices.
• When basting meats or applying sauces to foods, remember that excessive
amountswind up insideyour grill anddo not improvethefood flavor. Applysauces
duringthe last 15to 20 minutesof cookingtime unlessrecipespecifiesotherwise.
Plus, anytimea sugar-basedmarinade(for examplebarbecuesauce)is goingto
be used, the grates shouldbe "seasoned"priorto preheating. (See p. 9.)
• Thereare manymeat marinadeswhich will help tenderize lessexpensivecuts of
meat for cookingon the grill.
• Certainfoods, suchas poultryand non-oilyfish, may need some extra fat. Brush
with oil or meltedbutteroccasionallywhile grilling.
• Usetongswith longhandlesor spatulasfor turningmeats. Donot useforks asthese
piercethe meat, allowingjuicesto be lost.
• To helpretain meatjuices,salt after turningmeat or after cooking is completed.
• Should grilled foods be prepared and ready before you're ready to serve, turn
controlto a low settingandcovermeatwith a singlesheetoffoil. Foodwillcontin':_
to cook.