Important: ThisintervalTimercan be usedto remind youwhen aperiod, upto 11hours
end 55 minutes,expires. It can be used independentlyofany other oven activityand
canbe setwhileanotherovenfunctionisoperating. TheTimerdoesnotcontrolthe oven.
To set Timer
1. Toucha Timer Pad.
The indicatorWord Timerend either 1 or 2 flashes and "0Hr:00" appears inthe
2. Touchtheappropriatenumberpads untilthe desirednumberof minutesor hours
and minutesappearin the Display.
Note: If morethanfifteen secondselapsebetweentouchinga Timer Pad and a
numberpad, the Timer Pad must be touchedagain.
Example: To set Timer One for 5 minutes,touch the Timer One Pad and the
number5 pad. Afterfifteen seconds,the displaywillshow:
:135 [
Example: To setTimerTwo for1 hourand30 minutes,touchtheTimer Two Pad
andthe numberst, 3, 0 pads. After fifteenseconds,the Display will show:
I !,3o I
Countdownwillstart afterfifteenseconds. Countdownwillhavedisplayprecedence
overother time functions. If both timers are set,the timer with the leastamount of
time remaining will have display precedence.
At the endof timeset, the Timer will chime four times and "End" will appear in the
Oisplay. Iftimer is notcancelled(see below), "End"will remain in the Displayand
there will be two chimes every thirty seconds for five minutes.
To cancel Timer
1. Touchand hold the Timer Pad for fourseconds.
2. A. Touchthe Timer Pad.
B. Touch"0" numberpad. Fifteen secondslaterthe Timerwill be cancelled.
NOTE: TouchingCancel Off Pad to cancelchimeswill cancelALLselectedoven