3. PushSide-Lock Latch down and tilt drawerside open.
Beforecleaningthecompactor, turn the Key-Knob (orKey-
Switch)to the OFF& LOCK position and remove it.
NOTE:Anyservices other thanthose outlinedin this section
_.x _S should be performedby a designatedservice representative.
4. Liftoutbag. Cleaning Exterior Surfaces
1. Washexteriorsurfaces(includingstainlesssteel)with a clear
spongeor soft cloth anda mild detergent in warm water.Do
not useabrasiveor harshcleaners.Rinseand dry thoroughly
with a soft cloth.
2. Wipeup spillsright away.Somefoods candamagethe finish
if left on the compactor surface.
Cleaning Inside the Drawer
_ _•_'_ bitsNOTE:ofglassY°umayintheWantdrawer.t°wear protectiveglovesasthere may be
IMPORTANT: 1. Removethe bag.(Seethe "Removinga FilledBag" section.)
Beforeinstallinga new bag, be sure: 2. Pressdownon the lever-actionlock (orSide-Lock latch).
• The drawersideis securelylocked. _.
• Thecontainer is cleanandfree of debris. I I_
Donot use anykind of bag otherthan those designedespecially
for usein your compactor. Orderreplacementcompactor bags
throughyour local dealeror bycallingthe toll-free numberon the
cover or in the "Assistanceor Service"section.
t. Placefolded bag intothe drawer.Openbagand pulltop 3. Hold thelever-actionlock downand tiltthe side of thedraw_
edgesoverthe drawertop. out untilthe lock clearsthe drawer front.
NOTE:If desired,thedrawer side canbe removed bytilting
up, thenlifting it out.
2, Lock bag in placeby pullingthefourprepunchedholesover
the bagretainerbuttons.Holeswillexpandoverthe buttons 4, Washthe interiorof the drawerwitha cleanspongeorsoft
withoutdamagingthebag. clothanda milddetergentinwarmwater.Rinseand dry
3. Pressinsideof bag againstthe drawerbottom, sides and thoroughlywith asoft cloth.
corners for a smoothfit. 5. If thedrawer side was removed, slide it back into the tilted
!__= position.
6. Pressthe lever-actionlock (or Side-Lock Latch)down while
pushingthe drawerside to the upright position.
7. Latch thedrawer side by pushingup the lever-actionlock ((
Side-Lock Latch).
-- Cleaning Inside the Cabinet
......... NOTE:Youmaywanttowearprotectiveglovesastheremay l-
COMPACTORCARE b,teofg,ass inthe cabinet.
1. Pullthe drawerout untilit stops.
NOTE:Look toseehowthe drawer rollersmove in the trac_
Yournewcompactor isdesignedto give you manyyearsof It will be easierto replacethe drawerwhen you arefinishe(
dependableservice.However,there are a few thingsyouare cleaning.
expectedto do in orderto maintainyour compactor properly. \'_, I_'1
This section will tellyou how to clean and carefor your