The broil element provides flexibility for ,_:-._-.-
broiling foods. If you have a Jenn-Air
grill, we recommend you use the grill for
most of your broiling. There are some
types of foods that do require use of the
oven broil element. These include foods
such as stuffed lobsters, meringue pies,
or other foods which require top brown-
To Broil
1. Place oven rack on the rack position
suggested in the chart. Distance from
broiling element depends on foods
being prepared. Rack position #4
(second from the top) is usually rec-
ommended unless otherwise stated.
2. Turn SELECTQR knob to BRQIL
3. Turn TEMPERATURE knob to 550 ° F.
4. Place food in oven on roasting pan
provided with oven after top broil ele-
ment is red. Preheating takes a few
minutes, or until element glows a
bright cherry red.
5. Leave oven door open at broil stop
position when broiling.
Broiling Tips
• Tender Cuts of meat or marinated meats are best for broiling. This includes rib
and loin cuts of steak, ground beef, ham steaks, lamb chops, poultry pieces or
fish. For best results, steaks should be at least 1" thick. Thinner steaks should
be pan broiled.
• Do not cover broiler grid with foil since this prevents fat drippings from draining
into bottom of pan.
• Before broiling, remove excess fat from meat and score edges of fat (do not cut
into meat) to prevent meat from curling. Salt after cooking.