Congratulationson your choiceof a Jenn-Airwalloven. Your Jenn-Airconvectionoven
combinesthebestof four cookingmethods:conventionalbakingorroasting,convection
baking,convection roasting, and broiling, in a self-cleaning oven,
The Jenn-Airconvectionoven isactually a conventionaloventhat circulatesheated air
within the oven. As both bake and broil heatingelements cycle on and off with the
thermostat, a fan keeps the heated air circulating around the food. The constantly
recirculatingheatedair in the convectionoven strips away the layer of cooler air that
surroundsfood. Consequently,manyfoodscookmore quickly. Distributedheat makes
multiplerackcookingpossible. Convectionroastedmeatsretaintheir naturalflavorand
juiciness with less shrinkagethan conventional roasting.
Beforeyou begin cookingwith your new oven, please take a few minutes to read and
become familiarwith the instructionsin this book. On the followingpages you wilt find
a wealth of information regardingall aspectsof using yournew oven. Byfollowing the
instructionscarefully,you will beableto fully enjoy andproperly maintainyour ovenand
achieve excel/entresults with the food you prepare.
Should you have any questionsabout using your Jenn-Air oven, write to us. Be sure
to provide the modelnumber.
Jean-Air Customer Assistance
c/o Maytag Customer Service
P.O. Box 2370
Cleveland, TN 37320-2370
Model Number
Serial Number_
(numbersappearonthe serialplate ontheeven frontframe)
Date Purchased