Control Panel Area and Display Window
Wipe with soft cloth dampened with soapy water or glass cleaner. Do not spray any
cleaning solutionsdirectly onto the display window or use large amounts of soapand
water. Do not scrub with S.O.S.pads or abrasivecleaners.
Stainless Steel (select models)
Do not use any cleaning product containing chlorine bleach.
Always wipe with the grain when cleaning.
DailyCleaning/LightSoil - Wipewithone ofthefollowing- soapywater,whitevinegar/
watersolution,Formula409GlassandSurfaceCleaneror asimilarmulti-surfacecleaner
- using a sponge or soft cloth. Rinse and dry. To polish and help prevent fingerprints,
followwith Stainless Steel Magic Spray (Jenn-Air ModelA912, Part No. 20000008).
Moderate/Heavy Soil - Wipe with one of the following- Ben Amior Soft Scrub - using
adampspongeorsoft cloth.Rinseanddry. Stubbornsoilsmayberemovedwitha damp
Scotch-Britepad; rubevenly with the grain. Rinseanddry.To restorelusterand remove
streaks, follow with Stainless Steel Magic Spray (Jenn-Air Model A912, Part No.
Discoloration - Using a damp sponge or soft cloth, wipewith Cameo StainlessSteel
Cleaner.Rinse immediately and dry. To removestreaksand restoreluster,follow with
StainlessSteel MagicSpray (Jenn-AirModel A912, PartNo. 20000008).
To removepull forwardto the "stop"position;lift up _
on the front of the rackand pull out.
Beforereplacingbulb,disconnectpowertoovenat themain fuseorc/rcuitbreakerpaneL
Be sure that the entire oven cavity includingthe light bulb is cool before attemptingto
To replace light bulb
1. Carefully unscrewthe glass light lens.
2. To obtain firm grasp on the bulb, wear protective rubber
gloves. Removebyturning bulbtotheleft. Do nottoucha hot j
ovenlight bulb witha damp clothas bulb will break. Note: If
the bulb does break and you wish to remove it, be certain
power supply is disconnected and wear protective gloves.
for service.
3. Replacebulbwith a 40 wattoven-ratedappliance bulb. Bulb
withbrassbaseis recommendedtopreventfusingof bulbinto
4. Replace bulb cover and reconnect power to oven. Reset