This manual was prepared to acquaint the owner, operator and serviceman with the operation
and maintenance of the vibratory driver/extractor. We suggest that this manual be carefully
studied before operating or undertaking any maintenance work on the unit.
This manual is organized into two major sections.
The first contains routine OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS for the unit and includes a
GENERAL DESCRIPTION section, which presents a basic explanation of the driver/extractor
and its specifications. The MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT section should be referred
to periodically for normal servicing of equipment. All machines and equipment require
systematic, periodic inspection and maintenance if they are to perform satisfactorily over a
long period of time. The driver/extractor is primarily a vibrating machine and if not given the
best of care, or if improperly used and maintained, it is self-destructive. Therefore, the unit
should receive the same care and maintenance as other high quality construction equipment.
The second category is for parts ordering and it includes both a PARTS LIST and a pictorial
drawing of the assembly, for easier determination of the required part(s). Refer to the
ORDERING PARTS section of the PARTS LIST for more specific procedures regarding parts
ordering. Adherence of the listed procedures will insure receipt of the required part(s) with
the minimal amount of delay or error.