Wheels, Tyres and Treads
PY80265,05GO879 –19–10SEP05–1/1
Service Tyres Safely
TS211 –UN–23AUG88
Explosive separation of at tyre and rim parts can cause
serious injury or death.
Do not attempt to mount a tyre unless you have the
proper equipment and experience to perform the job.
Always maintain the correct tyre pressure. Do not inflate
the tyres above the recommended pressure. Never weld
or heat a wheel and tyre assembly. The heat can cause
an increase in air pressure resulting in a tyre explosion.
Welding can structurally weaken or deform the wheel.
When inflating tyres, use a clip-on chuck and extension
hose long enough to allow you to stand to one side and
NOT in front of or over the tyre assembly. Use a safety
cage if available.
Check wheels for low pressure, cuts, bubbles, damaged
rims or missing lug bolts and nuts.
PY80265,05GO880 –19–10SEP05–1/1
Check Implement-to-Tyre Clearance
M47177 –UN–31JAN92
IMPORTANT: Check for adequate clearance (A)
between outside diameter of the tyre
and implement with hitch in raised
When large diameter rear tyres are
installed on a tractor with a 3-Point
Hitch, a quick coupler or similar device
may be required to provide adequate
implement-to-tyre clearance.