5. Secure hopper to frame using three M12x30 carriage bolts on model SS1067B or M12x40 on
model SS2067B (see #23, fig. 4), three Ø14 flat washers (see #24, fig. 4), and six M12 hex nuts
(see #25 fig. 4).
6. Install stationary stirrer (see #21, fig. 4) using M8x45 bolt (see #39, fig. 4), two Ø8 flat washers
(see #27, fig. 4), and M8 elastic stop nut (see #40, fig. 4) that are already bolted to the stirrer.
7. This step only applies to units with serial #BC…304870 and above. Install spreader disc
shield (see #1, fig. 5) using three M8x16 hex bolts (see #3, fig. 5), six Ø8 flat washers (see #4,
fig. 5), one Ø8 lock washer (see #5, fig. 5), and three M8 hex nuts (see #6, fig. 5). Install M8x20
carriage bolt (see #7, fig. 5) on SS1067B or M8x25 on SS2067B through hopper and into
attachment plate (see #2, fig. 5). On model SS2067B use bolt already installed on hopper.
8. Install shutter assembly, found in hardware bag, by sliding shutters (see #5 & #6, fig. 4) into the
slots at the bottom of the hopper.
9. Assemble shutter guide plate (see #9, fig. 4) to lever bracket (see #10, fig. 4), which is already
installed on the frame, using M8x30 hex bolt (see #29, fig. 4), Ø8 lock washer (see #30, fig. 4),
and M8 hex nut (see #28, fig. 4).
10.This step only applies to units with serial #BC…304870 and above. Attach hitch lever (see
#15, fig. 4) to lever bracket (see #10, fig. 4) by loosening M8x20 hex bolt (see #26, fig. 4) which
is shipped already installed onto hitch lever. Secure bolt with M8 hex nut (see #28, fig. 4).
11.Install lever (see #14, fig. 4) to hitch lever using M8x20 hex bolt (see #26, fig. 4) and M8 hex nut
(see #28, fig. 4) which is shipped already installed on the lever.
12.Tighten all hardware.
13.Install driveline and ensure it has at least 2” from bottoming out in its shortest working position and
has the minimum 6” overlap in its longest working position. Refer to Section 4.03
of this manual,
if it is determined that the driveline is too long and needs to be shortened. Contact your local
dealer if it is determined that the driveline is too short for your tractor.
See Section 4.03 - Driveline, for instructions on how to determine correct driveline length and procedures for
shortening the driveline.
Fig. 5 - Models SS1067B & SS2067B shield assembly.
(serial #BC...304870 and above)