14 EN
What is video capture software ?
Video capture software is a type of application program that allows you to capture video
images from camcorders and VCRs and store them in personal computers running under the
Windowsா operating system. These images can be transferred from the video source to the
computer via a standard RS-232C communication interface. By processing the captured
images with commercially available image editing software, you can create your own unique
and highly personal illustrations and graphics for incorporation into everything from postcards
to newsletters and Internet homepages. What’s more, you can also use your computer to edit
your original video recording and produce a fun-to-watch, professional-looking video pro-
What is JLIP ?
JLIP* stands for Joint Level Interface Protocol, a new communication protocol which allows AV
units equipped with a JLIP terminal to be controlled by a personal computer.
is a registered trademark of JVC.
Operating Environment
● Personal computer with Microsoftா Windowsா 3.1 or Windowsா 95
● CPU Intel DX4™ or higher processor
● Minimum RAM requirement: more than 8 MB
● Available Hard Disk space of at least 8 MB
● Colour display capable of at least 640 x 480 pixels, 256 colours
Recommended 1024 x 768, 16.77 Mil colours
● 1 free serial transmission port, compatible with 9600 bps transmission rate, connectable to
RS-232C with 9 pin serial connector.
Recommended compatible with UART 16550A
● Mouse (Windowsா compatible)
● CD-ROM drive
Note : An optional 9 pin serial conversion adapter is required for computers using serial
communication port other than standard 9 pin.
* Microsoftா and Windowsா are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the
United States and/or other countries.
* Other product and company names included in this instruction manual are trademarks and/or registered
trademarks of their respective holders.
Connectable Devices
When using JLIP with Video units equipped with a JLIP connector :
● Camcorders GR-DV1, GR-DVJ70, GR-DVM1, GR-DVM801 etc (A junction box with a JLIP
terminal is required for connection to GR-DV1, GR-DVJ70, GR-DVM1 and GR-DVM801)
When not using JLIP:
● Video units with video output connectors