C O N N E C T I O N S 7
T V Guide Plus+ re q u i res a certain hookup to properly function. It re q u i res that the TV, the VCR, and the
cable box be connected in a certain, specific manner. We have provided very specific diagrams on the
next 5 pages. Please follow them exactly in order to insure that TV Guide Plus+ works pro p e r l y.
T h e re are three basic types of antenna or cable hookups.
#1. If you have an antenna, or have a cable TV system that does not re q u i re you to utilize a cable box,
follow diagram #1 (this page).
#2. If you have a cable system that re q u i res you to use a cable box to tune any or all channels use dia-
gram #2 (next page).
#3. If you have a video output on your cable box, refer to diagram #3 (next page).
1) Connect cable or antenna wire out from wall, in to splitter RF input.
2) Connect wire out from splitter RF output, in to TV RF input.
3) Connect wire out from splitter RF output, in to VCR RF input.
NOTES: A) In order for TV Guide Plus+ to control the VCR, put one IR Mouse in front of the remote
control infrared receiver window of the VCR.
B) Since this arrangement does not require you to use a cable box, DO NOT cut off the
second IR Mouse. Roll up the wire, and place the second mouse behind the TV.
C) You must connect the VCR to the TV using Audio/Video connections (see page 9).
❒ Refer to the VCR instructions regarding its connections.
No Cable Box Required