
White Balance Item
* Default values are indicated in bold characters.
Item Setting Values Function
Preset Temp.
2800K, 3200K,
3400K, 4200K,
4800K, 5200K,
5600K, 6500K,
For setting the color temperature when the [WHT.BAL.] selection switch of the camera recorder
is set to APRESETB.
Alternative Temp.
2800K, 3200K,
3400K, 4200K,
4800K, 5200K,
5600K, 6500K,
For setting the alternative color temperature in the Preset mode.
When the [WHT.BAL.] switch of the camera recorder is set to APRESETB, pressing the [AWB]
button each time switches the color temperature setting in the Preset mode.
([Preset Temp.] 1 [Alternative Temp.])
White Paint R
Max, 30 to 1,
-1 to -31, Min
For adjusting the R (red) component in the AWB (Auto White Balance) mode.
Increase the number : Strengthens the red.
Decrease the number : Weakens the red.
Memo :
This item is selectable when the [WHT.BAL.] selection switch on the right of the camera
recorder is set to AAB or ABB. When APRESETB is set, this item appears as A---B and cannot
be selected.
Different values can be specified for AAB and ABB.
After the [AWB] (Auto White Balance) button is pressed to readjust the white balance while
[Clear Paint After AWB] set to AOnB, [White Paint R] switches automatically to ANormalB.
White Paint B
Max, 30 to 1,
-1 to -31, Min
For adjusting the B (blue) component in the AWB (Auto White Balance) mode.
Increase the number : Strengthens the blue.
Decrease the number : Weakens the blue.
Memo :
This item is selectable when the [WHT.BAL.] selection switch on the right of the camera
recorder is set to AAB or ABB. When APRESETB is set, this item appears as A---B and cannot
be selected.
Different values can be specified for AAB and ABB.
After the [AWB] (Auto White Balance) button is pressed to readjust the white balance while
[Clear Paint After AWB] set to AOnB, [White Paint B] switches automatically to ANormalB.
Clear Paint After
For specifying whether to clear the [White Paint R]/[White Paint B] settings after executing AWB
(Auto White Balance).
On : [White Paint R]/[White Paint B] are set to ANormalB after executing AWB.
Off : [White Paint R]/[White Paint B] are not changed after executing AWB.
Shading Mode
For specifying white shading adjustment settings. (A Page 44)
Preset : Sets white shading adjustment to a fixed level. Manual adjustment is disabled.
Manual : Enables manual white shading adjustment.
For making white shading adjustments.
Memo :
This item cannot be selected when [Shading Mode] is set to APresetB.