If you are experiencing difficulties, please consult this section first.
If you cannot find the solution here, please consult the "Help" menu in iMovie HD.
Q: I cannot import a video file (file extension .TOD) into iMovie.
A: Check your version of iMovie.
If you are using version 6 (iMovie HD version 6), you can edit video files (file extension .TOD) directly
in high-definition. If you are using iMovie '08, you can download iMovie HD 6 free of charge from the
Apple website.
Q: How much free space do I need on my hard disk to import files into iMovie HD?
A: You will need approximately 8–10 times the size of the video file (file extension .TOD) you will import
(maximum 40GB).
Q: How much time do I need to import files into iMovie HD?
A: That will differ depending on your computer. However, it often takes approximately 4–10 times the
recorded video length to import video files (file extension .TOD).
Q: iMovie HD operations are unstable.
A: It is recommended that you edit your videos on the latest Macintosh
systems. It is also recommended
that you use the latest versions of QuickTime Player and iMovie HD 6.
Q: I cannot edit in "1920x1080i" aspect ratio.
A: This is due to iMovie HD 6 specifications. iMovie HD 6 can handle videos up to "1440x1080i" aspect
© 2008 Victor Company of Japan, Limited 0108MNH-HT-OT