
ICustomer Support Information
Use of this software is authorized according to the terms of the software license.
JVC (for inquires regarding this unit)
When contacting the nearest JVC office or agency in your country (refer to the JVC Worfdwide Service Network at
http://www.jvc-victor.co.jp/eng_ish/worldmap/index-e.htm_) about this software, please have thefollowing information ready.
Product Name, Model Serial Number, Problem, Error Message
Computer(Manufacturer,Model (Desktop/Laptop), CPU,OS, Memory(MB/GB),AvailableHard DiskSpace (GB))Pleasenote
thatit maytake sometime to respondtoyourquestions, depending ontheir subjectmatter. JVC cannotanswerquestions regarding
basic operationofyour computer,or questionsregarding specifications or performanceofthe OS, other applicationsor drivers.
Pi×ela (for inquires regarding the provided software)
USA and Canada English
Europe (UK, Germany, France,andSpain) English/G erm an/French/S panish
Other Countries inEurope Enqlish/German/French/Spanish
Asia (Philippines) English
China Chinese
Homepage: htt _vc/mediabrowser/e/
Please check our website for latest information and downloading.
+1-800-458-4029 (toll-free)
+800-1532-4865 (toll-free)
+44-1489- 564-764
10800-163-0014 (toll-free)
Recordable Time
You can check the video recording time by pressing the OK!INFO button.
_CI_XC _rd
lh20m 40m lh30m 3hl0m 6h30m 9h30m 13h
3h20m lh50m 3h40m 7h20m 15h10m 22h20m 30h20m
2h30m lh20m 2hS0m 5h40m 11h30m 17h 23h
5h20m 2h50m 5hS0m 11h40m 23h50m 35h10m 47h40m
LS/LE: High definition (1280 x 720 pixels, 16:9)
SSW/SEW: Standard definition (720 x 480 pixels, 16:9)
SSiSE: Standard definition (720 x 480 pixels, 4:3)
The approximate recording time is only a guide. The actual recording time may shorten
depending on the shooting environment.
40 m 1 h 5 m
i h15m 2hlOm
il h55m 3h15m
The above are values when "MONITOR BRIGHTNESS" is set to "3" (standard).
The actual recording time may be shorter if zooming is used or if recording is stopped
repeatedly. (It isrecommended to prepare battery packs ready for three times the
expected recording time.)
When the battery life is reached, the recording time becomes shorter even ifthe battery
pack is fully charged. (Replace the battery pack with a new one.)
For more information, refer to the Detailed User Guide
22 http://manual.jvc.co.jp/index.html/