Page 4-44
User and
Installation Guide
Akai 032, 070
Alba 113
A-Mark 120
Amstrad 033
Anam 009, 021, 041, 120, 121
AOC 005, 006, 019, 020, 120,
Archer 120
Audiovox 120
Bauer 111
Candle 006, 022, 023, 025, 195
Capehart 019, 195
Circuit City 195
Citizen 006, 016, 022, 023, 024,
025 , 026
Concerto 023
Contec 027, 028, 041, 091
Craig 021, 041, 194
Crown 026
Curtis Mathes 006, 016, 026, 203
CXC 041
Daewoo 005, 024, 026, 029, 030,
031, 032, 219
Daytron 026, 195
Dixi 032, 088, 120
Dumont 195
Electrohome 026, 195, 209, 213
Elta 032
Emerson 026, 027, 028, 033, 034,
035, 037, 038, 039, 040,
041, 122, 195, 220
Envision 006
Etron 032
Fisher 042, 090
Formenti 111
Fortress 105
Fujitsu 034, 194
Funai 034, 041, 194
Futuretech 041, 194
General Electric 003, 008, 009, 015, 040,
(GE) 043, 044, 130, 195
Genexxa 113
Goldstar 005, 023, 026, 045, 046,
Granada 195
Grundig 047
Hallmark 195
Hinari 034
Hitachi 023, 026, 048, 049, 050,
051, 052, 053, 054, 055,
126, 202, 213
Infinity 066
JBL 066
Jensen 056
JVC 057, 058, 059, 060
Kawasho 061
Kenwood 006
Kloss 022, 110
KTV 026, 039, 040, 041
Lloyds 195
Lloytron 026
Loewe 088
Logik 018
Luxman 023
LXI 003, 063, 066, 090, 095,
117, 125
Magnavox 006, 020, 025, 064, 065,
067, 068, 069, 110, 210
Marantz 006, 066, 088
Matsui 032, 109
Megatron 195
Memorex 018, 032, 090, 195
MGA 004, 005, 006, 071, 195
Mitsubishi 004, 005, 070, 071, 072,
123, 195, 205, 207
MTC 005, 006, 016, 023, 031,
NAD 002, 117, 195
National 009, 021, 197
National Quenties 197
NEC 005, 006, 007, 017, 023,
Nikkai 112, 113, 118
Nikko 195
Normande 051, 217
Onwa 041
Optonica 105, 107
Orion 194
Osaki 112
Osume 091
Panasonic 008, 009, 010, 011, 012,
066, 074, 075, 197, 200,
Penney 003, 005, 006, 014, 016,
026, 043, 096
Philco 005, 006, 025, 064, 065,
068, 110
Philips 066, 088
Pioneer 002, 048, 051, 076
Portland 005, 026
Proton 013, 019, 026, 124, 195
Pulsar 001
Quasar 008, 009, 077, 200
Radio Shack 026, 041, 107, 112
RCA 003, 005, 014, 015, 048,
079, 080, 081, 082, 083,
084, 085, 086, 087, 125,
133, 134
Realistic 090
Saba 051
Saisho 032, 033, 109
Sampo 006, 019
Samsung 005, 006, 016, 023, 026,
032, 088, 112, 195, 204,
Sanyo 042, 089, 090, 091, 092,
SBR 088
Schneider 088
Scott 026, 034, 037, 041, 093
Sears 003, 023, 034, 042, 063,
089, 090, 094, 095, 096,
097, 098, 099, 100, 101,
102, 103, 104, 117, 195,
Seimitsu 195
Sharp 026, 091, 105, 106, 107,
108, 128, 129
Siemens 091
Signature 018
Solavox 112
Sony 000, 109, 119, 122
Soundesign 025, 041, 195
Spectricon 020, 120
Squareview 194
SSS 005, 041
Supra 023
Supre-Macy 022
Sylvania 006, 025, 064, 065, 066,
068, 110, 111
Symphonic 132, 194
Tandy 105, 113
Tatung 009
Technics 008
Techwood 023
Teknika 004, 005, 016, 018, 022,
023, 024, 025, 026, 034,
041, 114, 115
Teleavia 051
Telefunken 051
Teletech 032
Tera 013
Thomas 195
Thompson 209
Thomson 051, 116
TMK 023, 195
Toshiba 016, 090, 096, 117, 118,
Tosonic 028
Totevision 026
Toyomenko 195
Universal 043
Vector Research 006
Victor 057
Video Concepts 070
Vidtech 005, 195
Viking 022
Wards 005, 006, 015, 018, 034,
043, 064, 065, 067, 068
Yamaha 005, 006
York 195
Zenith 001, 018
Zonda 120
Note: Not all the codes
listed in these tables are
valid for all remote