EXPOSURE screen (continued)
Menu item
Function/variable range
Used to set the shutter mode.
STEP: the shutter speed can be changed using the
SPEED submenu item.
V.SCAN: used to clear the horizontal line noise when re-
cording a PC monitor by adjusting to the scan
speed of the monitor.
The shutter can be changed in detail using the
LEVEL submenu item. ( ੬ Page 42 Recording
a PC monitor)
EEI: Used to automatically change the shutter speed
depending on the object brightness.
(max: 1/1920)
OFF: • 1/30 when VGA is set to the DRAFT mode
• 1/7.5 when VGA is set to the FINE mode
• 1/7.5 when in the SXGA mode
The shutter sped can be changed when the shutter is set
to STEP or V.SCAN.
[STEP variable range: 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/15, 1/30, 1/60,
1/125, 1/250, 1/500, 1/1000,
[V.SCAN variable range: 1/30, ~ 1/5906. 8]
Default value
STEP: 1/8
• In areas which the power supply frequency is 50Hz, set-
ting the unit to 1/100 can reduce flickering when record-
ing under florescent lighting.
• There may be shortage of light when increasing the shut-
ter speed. In this case, adjust the iris or sensitivity. Spe-
cial attention is required for the picture quality when rais-
ing the sensitivity since images may become distorted.