What appears to be trouble is not always serious. Check the following points before calling a service
Symptoms Causes Remedies
• Sound cannot be heard The volume level is set to the Adjust it to the optimum level.
from the speakers. minimum level.
Connections are incorrect. Check the cords and
• This unit does not work at The built-in microcomputer While holding SEL (Select),
all. may have functioned press
incorrectly due to noise, etc. On Attenuator) for more
than 2 seconds to reset the unit.
(The clock setting and preset
stations stored in memory are
erased) (See page 2)
• SSM (Strong-station Signals are too weak. Store stations manually.
Sequential Memory)
automatic preset does not
• Static noise while listening The antenna is not connected Connect the antenna firmly.
to the radio. firmly.
• CD automatically ejects. CD is inserted upside down. Insert the CD correctly.
• CD-R cannot be played CD-R is not finalized. • Insert a finalized CD-R.
• Tracks on the CD-R cannot • Finalize the CD-R with the
be skipped. component which you used
for recording.
• CD can be neither played CD is locked. Unlocked the CD. (See page 11)
back nor ejected.
The CD player may have While holding
functioned incorrectly. (Standby/On Attenuator), press
/ (Eject) for more than 2 seconds.
Be careful not to drop the CD
when it is ejected.
• CD sound is sometimes You are driving on rough Stop playback while driving on
interrupted. roads. rough roads.
CD is scratched. Change the CD.
Connections are incorrect. Check the cords and
• “NO DISC” appears on the No CD in the loading slot. Insert a CD into the loading slot.
CD is inserted incorrectly. Insert the CD correctly.
CD Playback
EN18-20-KD-S5050[J]f 7/29/03, 10:33 AM19