EN 29
• About CC converter
Shows the CC converter version and other information.
Click [OK] to close the displayed subwindow.
• Exit
Quits the CC converter. The CC converter status you have set at this point is held. If you wish
to restart the CC converter, you can start up the program from the Start menu.
• Do not change the sound playback device when you are playing back the sound data (such
as an audio file).
• If you have changed the sound playback device, wait five (5) or more seconds before playing
back the data.
• The CC converter can process two-channel PCM data only. A sound device may transfer
multi-channel data or non-PCM data, but the CC converter cannot process such data.
• If you play back data having a high noise level, the noise may be emphasized.
• Users other than the computer administrator (even if they have the Administrator’s authority)
may not change the CC converter setup.
PD-TS decorder
This decoder is designed to capture, using a separate personal computer (Pentium 4, 2 GHz or
faster recommended), the data which has been shot in the GR-PD1 HI-RES. mode or PS50 mode
and play the data using the Windows Media(TM) Player 9 of this unit (MP-XP731GB) in a simplified
format (at a speed of about 3 frames per second), and it is pre-installed.
To uninstall the decoder, select [Add/Remove Programs] and delete it.
The installer is included on the application CD-ROM so use the CD-ROM provided if you
need to re-install the decoder.