up of the year/month/day, hour/minute/second, millisecond
and timezone code.
(reserved) 13 alarm = 00000000 (reserved)
Camera ID
50 camera = input01
Stores camera information set at VN-V686.
Motion Detect Setting
11 motion = 1
Specified as 1 when the motion detect is ON.
Motion Detect Result
7 md = 1
Specified as 1 if motion is detected at the time when JPEG
is created.
Pan position 13 pan = 123.45 Indicates pan position in degrees from 0.00 to
Tilt position 14 Tilt = 123.45 Indicates tilt position in degrees from 0.00 to
190.00. 0.00 corresponds to -5 degrees and 190.00
corresponds to 185 degrees. 5.00 and 185.00 mean
Zoom position 13 zoom = 12.34 Indicates zoom position from 0.00 to 99.99. EZoom
starts from about 90.89.
Preset Posision
15 position = 99 Indicates preset position number after moving to
preset position. In other cases, position = NA.
Stabilizer status 15 stabilizer = 0 Indicates status of stabilizer. 1 means that stabilizer is
Fan status 8 fan = 0 Indicates status of fan. 1 means error.
Item names and values, excluding the version information that does not include =, are stored in the following format.
Example: When width=640, the 13-byte area will be written as follows.
2. Getting MPEG-4 from VN-V686 via HTTP
2.1. Basic Procedures
1) The client establishes a TCP connection to port number 80.
2) The client sends out API.
GET /api/video?encode=mpeg4 HTTP/1.1<CRLF>