Sat measurement
B inactive)
2A Set S3A Call up matrix S3 input A (input
B inactive)
2B Set S4A Call up matrix S4 input A (input
B inactive)
2C Set S1B Call up matrix S1 input B (input
A inactive)
2D Set S2B Call up matrix S2 input B (input
A inactive)
2E Set S3B Call up matrix S3 input B (input
A inactive)
2F Set S4B Call up matrix S4 input B (input
A inactive)
30 Sleep All bus commands are ignored
except for "Awake".
31 Awake Bus commands are accepted
38 Write N0 Set port group 0 1
39 Write N1 Set port group 1 1
3A Write N2 Expansion option 1
3B Write N3 Expansion option 1
40 Read A0 Read analogue value A0 -
41 Read A1 Read analogue value A1 -
48 Write A0 Set analogue value A0 1
49 Write A1 Set analogue value A1 1
4F Write A7 Set analogue value A7 1
50 LO string Read current frequency -
51 LO now Read current frequency (table
entry number)
52 LO Lo Read Lo frequency table entry
53 LO Hi Read Hi frequency table entry
58 Write Freq Write channel frequency 2 or 3
59 Ch.No. Set the selected channel
number (receiver)
60 Halt Stop positioner -
61 Go E Move positioner towards east -
62 Go W Move positioner towards west -
64 P Status Read positioner status register -
65 Read Pos Read positioner counter -
6C Goto Move positioner motor to
counter value, Hi, Lo
6D Write Pos Set positioner counter, Hi, Lo 2