Remove the crankcase cover.
If axial play adjustment shims are provided for the crankshaft and the
camshaft, remove the shims and identify them so that they can be
installed correctly during reassembly.
Place the cylinder block on a base so that the flywheel side faces
down. Keep the tappet (or the HLA on FE350 or 400) pushed up
towards the cylinder head.
After aligning the matching marks on the crankshaft gear and the
camshaft gear, take out the camshaft.
Clean the mating surfaces of the crankcase and the crankcase
cover of any gasket residues.
Take out the tappet or the HLA from the crankcase.
After removing the tappet, place marks on them to identify the
intake and exhaust tappets so that they can be reinstalled in their
original positions.
Keep the end of the HLA in which the snap ring is visible upright.
If it is placed on its side, the oil that is sealed in the unit could leak
out, disabling the HLA function.
A: Matching Marks
Inspect the camshaft and cam gear for any broken teeth or wear.
If they are abnormally worn or have broken teeth, replace the
camshaft with a new one.
Inspect the camshaft to make sure that its automatic compression
Reduction (ACR) function operates smoothly and does not have any
damage or abnormal wear.
When the weight [C] is closed, if the top of the arm [A] is lower than
the base [B], replace the ACR with a new one.
When the weight [C] is pulled entirely outward with your finger, if the
top of the arm [A] is higher than the cam base [B], replace the ACR
with a new one.
If ACR parts are worn, replace the ACR with a new one.