The angled hood style (shown here) is acceptable.
• An exhaust hood should cap the vent to keep rodents and
insects from entering the home.
• Exhaust hood must be at least 12" (30.5 cm) from the ground
or any object that may be in the path of the exhaust (such as
flowers, rocks or bushes, snow line, etc.).
• Do not use an exhaust hood with a magnetic latch.
_mproper venting can cause moisture and mintto commect
indoors, which may resumt in:
[] Moisture damage to woodwork, furniture, paint,
wallpaper, carpets, etc=
[] Housecleaning problems and health problems.
Choose your exhaust installation type
Recommended exhaust installations
Typical installations vent the dryer from the rear of the dryer.
Other installations are possible.
A. Dryer
B. Elbow
C. Waft
D. Exhaust hood
E. Clamps
E Rigid metal or flexible metal vent
G. Vent length necessary to connect elbows
H. Exhaust outlet
Optional exhaust installations
This dryer can be converted to exhaust out the right side, left
side, or through the bottom. Contact your local dealer to have the
dryer converted.
Fire Hazard
Cover unused exhaust ho_es with one of the
fo_owing kits:
279818 (white)
279915 (graphite}
279925 (biscuit)
280102 (pacific b_ue)
280103 (champagne)
280104 (sedona)
Contact your Ioca_ dea_er.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death,
fire, electrica_ shock, or serious injury.
A. Standard rear offset exhaust installation
B. Left or right side exhaust installation
C. Bottom exhaust installation (not an option
with pedestal installations)
Alternate installations for close clearances
Venting systems come in many varieties. Select the type best for
your installation. Two close-clearance installations are shown.
Refer to the manufacturer's instructions.
A. Over-the-top installation (alsoavailable with one offset elbow)
B. Periscope installation
NOTE: The following kits for close clearance alternate
installations are available for purchase. For further information,
please call 1-80O-4-MY-HOME ®(1-800-469-4663}.