Service and Adjustment
Temperature Regulation
HOTTER WATER CAN SCALD: Water heaters are
intended to produce hot water. Water heated to a tem-
perature which will satisfy space heating, clothes wash-
ing, dish washing, and other sanitizing needs can scald
and permanently injure you upon contact. Some people
are more likely to be permanently injured by hot water
than others. These include the elderly, children, the
infirm, or physically/mentally handicapped. If anyone
using hot water in your home fits into one of these
groups or if there is a local code or state law requiring a
certain temperature water at the hot water tap, then
you must take special precautions. In addition to using
the lowest possible temperature setting that satisfies
your hot water needs, a means such as a mixing valve,
shall be used at the hot water taps used by these people
or at the water heater. Mixing valves are available at
plumbing supply or hardware stores. Follow manufactur-
ers instructions for installation of the valves. Before
changing the factory setting on the thermostat, read the
"Temperature Regulation" section in this manual.
Never allow small children to use a hot water tap, or to J
draw their own bath water. Never leavea child or handi-
cappedpersonunattended na bathtub or shower.
The thermostat of this water heater has been factory set at the
lowest position which approximates 120°F (Hot) to reduce the
risk of scald injury.
The thermostat is factoryset at its lowest position which approx-
imates 120°F (Hot) and is adjustable ifa different water temper-
ature is desired. Read all warnings in this manual and on the
water heater before proceeding.
Temperature Settings
HOT- lsa thermOStat setting of approximately 120°F,whi& will
supply hot water at the most economical temperatures.
A-Is a thermostat setting of approximately 130°E
B-Is a thermostat setting of approximately 140°E
C-Is a thermostat setting of approximately 150°E
VERY HOT- Is a thermostat setting of approximately 160°E It is rec-
ommended that the dial be set lower whenever possible.
NOTE: Water temperature range of 120°--140°F recommended by
most dishwasher manufacturers.
t60°F About 1/2 seconds
150°F About I-112seconds
140°F Less than S seconds
130°F About 30 seconds
120°F Hore than S minutes
Thermostat Adjustment
The thermostat iias been factory set at hot (approximately 120°F) m reduce
the riskof scaldinjury.
The thermostat isadjustable if adifferent water temperature isdesired. Read
allwarnings in the "'I_mperature-Reguladod' section beforeproceeding.
The thermostat pointer caslbe turned dodavise (_,._ J) to increase the
temperature setting or counter clockwise(M- j_ ) to_'ecrease the tempera-
ture setting, with asmall flattip screwdriverT-
1. _Ihrn"OFF" the electrical power ro the water heater at thejunction box.
anyaccesspanelsor servicingthe water heater,make sure I
the electrical supplyto the water heateristurned "OFF". I
Failureto do thiscould result in DEATH, SERIOUS BODI-
2. "hkeoffthe accesspanel and insulation pad.
3. The slotted ad ustment (using the screwdriver) can be turned clock-
wise (_..._J) to increasethe temperature setting, or counter cock-
wise (M..._..._) to decrease the temperature setting.
4. Replace the insulation pad and accesspanel.
5. "lhrn "ON" the power supply.