Lighting Instructions
Read and understand these directions thoroughly before
attempting to light or re-light the pilot. Make sure the view port
is not missing or damaged. (See Figure 32.) Make sure the
tank is completely filled with water before lighting the pilot.
Check the rating plate near the gas control valve/thermostat for
the correct gas. Do not use this water heater with any gas other
than the one listed on the rating plate. If you have any questions
or doubts, consult your gas supplier or gas utility company.
Explosion Hazard
Replace view port if glass is missing
or damaged.
Failure to do so can result in death,
explosion or fire.
A. This appliance has a pilot which is lit by a piezo- C. Use only your hand to push in or turn the gas control
electric spark gas ignition system. Do not open knob. Never use tools. If the knob will not push in or
the inner door of the appliance and try--['olight turn by hand, don't try to repair it, call a qualified
the pilot by hand. service technician. Force or attempted repair may
B.BEFORE LIGHTING smell allaround the appliance result in a fire or explosion.
area for gas. Be sure to smell next to the floor D. Do not use this appliance if any part has been under
water. Immediately contact a qualified installer or
because some gas is heavier than air and will service agency to replace a flooded water heater.
settle on the floor.
WHAT TO DO iF YOU SMELL GAS Do not attempt to repair the unit! It must be replaced!
• Do not try to light any appliance. E. DO NOT USE THIS APPLIANCE IF THERE HAS
• Do not touch any electric switch; do not use any BEEN AN IGNITION OF VAPORS. Immediately
phone in your building, call a qualified service technician to inspect the
• Immediately call your gas supplier from a neighbor's appliance. Water heaters subjected to a
phone. Follow the gas supplier's instructions, flammable vapors ignition will show a
olf you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fire discoloration on the air intake grid and require
department, replacement of the entire water heater.
STOP! Read the safety information 9. Once the pilot has been found, push the gas knob
above on this label, all the way down. Immediately press the pilot ignitor
thermostat to lowest setting(PILOT LIGHTING). button rapidly (4) to (5) times. If the pilot will not
Turn thermostat dial fully clockwise d_ until it stops, light, repeat step (3) through (9).
3. Push the gas control knob down slightly and turn 10. ContJnueto hold'dqegas control knobdown forabout
clockwise d" to "OFF". SEE FIGURE 'A'. one (1) minute after the pilot is lit. Release the gas
control knob and it will pop back up. Pilot should
NOTE: Knob cannot be turned from "PILOT" to "OFF" remain,lit. Ifit goes out repeat step,(3),_rough _9).It
unless knob is pushed down slightly. Do not force, may _aKeseveral min_es ror air _oclear tl_e lines
4. Remove the outer burner door located below before the pilot will light.
the gas control. • If knob does not pop up when released, stop and
5. Wait ten (10) minutes to clear out any gas. If you immediately call your service technician or gas
then smell gas_ STOP! Follow "B" in the supplier.
safety infonnationi above on this label. If •If the pilot will not stay lit after several tries,
youdon'tsmellgas, to next step. turn the gas control knob clockwise C to 'OFF' and
6. This unit is equipped with a push button pilot ignitor, call your service technician or gas supplier.
which is used to light the pilot. Locate the ignitor 11. Once the pilot flame is established replace the
on the gas control, outer burner door.
7. Turn gas control knob counterclockwise
to "PILOT". SEE FIGURE 'B'. 12. At arm's length away, turn gas control knob
counterclockwise "_ to 'ON'. SEE FIGURE 'C'.
8. The pilot is located on the left side of the burner. It 13. Set thermostat to desired setting.
can be located by looking through the glass view port
,_L_ Hotter water increases the risk of
while pressing the piezo ignitorbutton several times, am, scald injury. Consult the instruction
Look for a spark at the pilot location, Figure "D". manual before changing temperature.
( P IL O T L IG HT I N G ). wise C_ to 'OFF'. Do not force. SEE FIGURE 'A'.