1flash *
2 flashes *
3flashes *
Electronic control module off or pilot
flame off.
Electronic control module is powered
and pilot lit.
Thermopile voltage low.
Gas valve or tank sensor failure.
Gas control valve overheat failure
4 flashes *
(pilot off or burner off).
5flashes *
6 flashes *
Lower tank sensor failure (pilot on
and burner off).
Upper tank sensor failure (pilot on
and burner off).
Check wiring harness for proper connection.
Ignite pilot flame.
Normal operation. No action required.
Inspect thermopite connection to gas control
Inspect flame coverage on thermopile.
Check inlet gas pressure.
Run open circuit thermopite output test and
replace pilot assembly if output is below 350 mV.
Restart gas control valve.
If main burner turns on after restart, replace
tank sensor.
If main burner does not turn on after restart,
replace gas valve assembly.
Replace gas control valve/thermostat.
Verify tank sensor is connected to electronic
control module.
Verify tank sensor is connected to the heater
Run tank sensor calibration check.
Replace tank sensor and electronic control
Verify tank sensor is connected to electronic
control module.
Verify tank sensor is connected to the heater
Run tank sensor calibration check.
Replace tank sensor and electronic control
Replace electronic control module.
Electronic control module failure
7flashes *
(pilot on or off and burner off).
Gas control valve failure (pilot off Replace gas control valve/thermostat.
8flashes *
and burner off).
6 second solid light Pilot stays tit only when control knob Overheat failure. Replace gas control valve/
followed by 4 flashes * is depressed in PILOT position, thermostat.
6 second solid light Pilot stays tit onlywhen control knob Electronic control module failure. Replace
followed by 7 flashes * is depressed in PILOT position, module.
6 second solid light Pilot stays tit only when control knob Gas control valve failure. Replace gas control
followed by 8 flashes * is depressed in PILOT position, valve/thermostat.
Overheat failure and electronic control module
6combinationsSeCondsolidoflight4+with7 Pilot stays tit only when control knob failure. Replace gas control valve/thermostat.
flashes * is depressed in PILOT position.
6 second solid light with Pilot stays tit only when control knob Overheat failure and gas control valve failure.
combinations of 4+ 8 Replace gas control valve/thermostat.
flashes * is depressed in PILOT position.
6 second solid lightwith Pilot stays tit onlywhen control knob Electronic control module failure and gas
combinations of 7 + 8 is depressed in PILOT position, control valve failure. Replace gas control valve/
flashes * thermostat.
Overheat failure, electronic control module
6combinationsSeCondsolid light with Pilot stays tit only when control knob failure, and gas control valve failure. Replace
of 4 + 7+ 8 flashes * is depressed in PILOT position, gas control valve/thermostat.
Wait until light goes outto restart the gas control
Continuous solid light System shutdown/safety interlock, valve/thermostat.
• Flashes are approximately 1/10 second in duration with approximately three seconds between groups of flashes.