
Storing Your Grill
Cleancooking grates.
Store in dry location.
When LP tank is connected to grill, store outdoors inwell-
ventilated space and out of reach of children.
Cover grill ifstored outdoors.
Storegrill indoors ONLY if LP tank is turned off and
disconnected, removed from grill and stored outdoors.
When removing grill from storage follow "Cleaning Bumer
Assembly" instructionsbefore starting grill.
Direct Cooking
Use both burners to heat the grill for searing of the meat. Once
the meat has been seared, turn the burners to LO to cook meat
Indirect Cooking
Once the grill is preheated, turn one of the burners off and place
your meat on the grate above the burner that is NOT burning.
This indirectmethod of cooking allows you to slow cook poultry
or large cuts of meat without the touch of a direct flame.
Always cook with the lid closed.
Dueto weather conditions, cooking times may vary. Duringcold
and windy conditions the temperature setting may need to be
increased to insuresufficient cooking temperatures.
1. Ignitethe LEFT burner. For slow cooking, adjust the control
knob to the LO setting. For faster cooking, adjust the control
knob to the HI setting.
2. Placethe food on the RIGHT side of the cooking grate.
3. Because the heat source is only on one side, the food should
be rotated at least once during cooking to insureeven
cooking. Use a meat thermometer to determine when the food
is done.
Foodsafety is a very important part of enjoying the outdoor
cooking experience. To keep food safe from harmful bacteria,
follow these four basic steps:
Clean: Wash hands, utensils, and surfaces with hot soapy water
before and after handling rawmeat and poultry.
Separate: Separate raw meats and poultryfrom ready-to-eat
foods to avoid cross contamination. Use a clean platter and
utensilswhen removing cooked foods.
Cook: Cook meat and poultry thoroughly to kill bacteria. Use a
thermometer to ensure proper internal food temperatures.
Chill: Refrigerate prepared foods and leftoverspromptly.
For more information call: USDA Meat and Poultry HoUine at
1-800-535-4555 In Washington, DC (202) 720-3333, 10:00 am-
4:00 pm EST.
HowTo Tell If Meat Is Grilled Thoroughly
Meat and poultry cooked on a grill often browns very fast on the
outside. Use a meat thermometer to be sure food has reached
a safe internal temperature, and cut intofood to check for
visual signs of doneness.
Whole poultry should reach 180° F; breasts, 170° E Juices
should run clear and flesh should not be pink.
Hamburgers made of any ground meat or poultry should reach
160° F,and be brown in the middle with no pink juices.Beef,
veal and lamb steaks, roasts and chops can be cooked to 145°
E All cuts of pork should reach 160° E
NEVER partially grill meat or poultry and finish cooking later.
Cook food completely to destroy harmful bacteria.
When reheatingtakeout foods or fully cooked meats likehot
dogs, grill to 165° F,or until steaming hot.
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