• Use clamps to seal all joints.
• Exhaust vent must not be connected or secured with screws
or other fastening devices that extend into the interior of the
duct. Do not use duct tape.
Recommended hood styles are shown here.
_4 4 (1_-4"cm)
(10.2 cm)
A. Louvered hood style
B. Box hood style
The angled hood style (shown here) is acceptable.
(6.4 crn)
An exhaust hood should cap the vent to keep rodents and
insects from entering the home.
Exhaust hood must be at least 12" (30.5 cm) from the ground
or any object that may be in the path of the exhaust (such as
flowers, rocks or bushes, snow line, etc.).
• Do not use an exhaust hood with a magnetic latch.
Improper venting can cause moisture and lint to collect
indoors, which may result in:
[] Moisture damage to woodwork, furniture, paint, wallpaper,
carpets, etc.
[] Housecleaning problems and health problems.