AI232 Version 9.6x User’s Guide
AI232 Commands: Commands Overview
Commands Overview
AI232 is configurable directly through the local system using shell commands or
through AI198 using winslc commands and the menu system.
Shell Commands
Shell commands offer some of the same functionality available in the AI232 local
menu system, including:
z Creating, modifying, or deleting users and passwords
z Accessing the AI232 menu
z Configuring PVCs
z Monitoring performance and diagnostic information
z Pinging an IP address
z Setting up an ARP table
z Setting the trace level.
Shell Connections
Before using the shell commands, a shell connection to AI232 must be established.
You can connect locally using an asynchronous port on the AI232 front panel or
remotely using a Telnet connection.
Establishing a Local Shell Connection
Establish a local shell connection to AI232 through any port configured as a login port.
(By default, all ports are configured as login ports, but only port 1 is enabled.)
1. Use a PC or laptop with terminal emulation software such as HyperTerminal to
connect to AI232. For information on operating your particular terminal emulation
software, refer to the documentation provided with the program.
2. Set up your terminal emulation software to connect using COM port 1 (COM1).
3. Configure COM port 1 with the following parameters:
z Bits per second: 9600
z Data bits: 8
z Parity: None
z Stop bits: 1
z Flow control: None
4. From within your terminal emulation software, press ENTER to request a login