Problem Cause Solution
he Blender will not operate. No Power/Power On Light not Check blender plugged in.
Goblet removed from power unit The power unit will not operate until
ithout turning the speed control the speed control is turned to “on”
to “O”. and a speed is reselected.
Blender not assembled correctly. Check blade unit is fully tightened to
the goblet.
Power on light flashing rapidly. The lights will flash under the
following circumstances:-
The power unit is plugged in but the Fit the goblet.
goblet is not fitted to the power unit.
The goblet is removed from the power The power unit will not operate until
unit without turning the speed control the speed control is turned to “O”
to “O”. and a speed is reselected.
Power On Light flashing slowly. The blender has been left plugged in Turn the speed control on and then
for more than 15 minutes and has off or press a program button to
gone into standby mode. reset.
Blender not operating but Power Goblet fitted and speed control Either select a speed manually or
On and programme button turned to “on” but speed or press one of the programme buttons.
lights on. programme not selected.
Programme lights flashing The lights will flash under the
following circumstances:-
The power unit is plugged in but Fit the goblet.
the goblet is not fitted to the power
The goblet is removed from the power Turn the speed control to “O” and
unit without turning the speed control reselected a speed.
to “O”.
Programme buttons not operating Programme buttons will not operate Turn the speed control to “on” and
unless the speed control is turned to select the required programme.
the “on” position first.
Blender leaking from blade Seal missing. Check seal is fitted correctly and not
assembly. Seal incorrectly fitted. damaged. To obtain a replacement
Seal damaged. seal see “service & customer care”.
Blender seal missing from blade The seal is packed pre-fitted to Unscrew goblet and check that seal
unit when removed from the blade unit. is fitted to blade unit.
packaging. To obtain a replacement seal see
“service & customer care”.
Blender stops or slows during Overload protection operated. Switch off, unplug for 5 seconds.
processing. Blender overloaded or overheated Then plug back in. If blender does
during operation. not operate then leave to cool for
15 minutes before plugging back in.
Maximum capacity exceeded. Refer to the speed chart for
maximum capacities to process.
If none of the above solve the problem see “Service & Customer Care”.
troubleshooting guide