DVT-6200 (EN/K,E,X)
Set Up functions
3 Press Cursor up/down (5/∞) keys on the remote
to select PASSWORD, then press the Cursor
right (3) key to access the sub features
1 During stop mode, press MENU key on the re-
2 Press Cursor up/down (5/∞) keys on the re-
mote to select the PREFERENCE, then press the
ENTER key to access the sub features
6 Press Cursor up/down (5/∞) keys on the remote
to select MAIN PAGE, then press the ENTER key.
7 Press Cursor up/down (5/∞) keys on the remote
to select EXIT SETUP, then press the ENTER key.
Change Password
5 Enter old password, new password and enter
new password again to confirm, then press the
ENTER key. (The password set at the time of ship-
ping from the factory is "0000".)
4 press the ENTER key to select CHANGE.
Please refer to pages 18 and 19 for setup.
3 Press Cursor up/down (5/∞) keys on the remote
to select DEFAULTS, then press the Cursor right
(3) key to access the sub features
1 During stop mode, press MENU key on the re-
2 Press Cursor up/down (5/∞) keys on the re-
mote to select the PREFERENCE, then press the
ENTER key to access the sub features
4 press the ENTER key to select RESET.
5 Press Cursor up/down (5/∞) keys on the remote
to select EXIT SETUP, then press the ENTER key.
Put back to the Defalt
03.7.8, 11:06 AMPage 26