W Installation n Installing in Japanese-Made Cars
Frrewall or metal support
Refer to the section “Removing the hard rubber frame” (page 20)
and then remove the hard rubber frame.
2 Align the holes in the unit (two locations on each side) with the
vehicle mounting bracket and secure the unrt with the accessory
Screw (M4X8)
Bend the tabs of the
wrth a screwdrrver or
srmrlar utensrl and
Self-tapprng screw
Metal mounting strap
attach It I” place
(commercrallv availablei
(commercially avarIable)
Make sure that the unrt IS installed securely rn place If the unrt IS
unstable, It may malfunction (for example, the sound may skrp)
T Toyota cars
N Nrssan cars
Accessory& for Nrssan car
Accessory@) for Toyota car
Durrng rnstallatron, do not use any screws except for those provided
The use of different screws mrght result in damage to the marn unit
Damage may occur if a screwdriver or srmilar tool E used with
excessrve force during the rnstallatrons
W Screwing the Faceplate on the Unit
If you want to fasten the
faceplate to the marn unrt so
that It does not fall off,
screw in the provided screw
16 mm) In
the hole
shown below.
Never insert the taptrte screw
x 16 mm) I” any other screw hole
than the one specified If you screw it rn another hole, It wrll contact
and may cause damage to the mechanical parts rnstde the unrt
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