When this system is set to on, the sound coordinate factors
(Bass Frequency, Bass quality, Bass extension, and Treble
frequency) appear during the audio control mode.
Display and setting:
"ec4/dB (set) ON" : The sound coordinate factors appear and
can be adjusted.
"ec4/dB (set) OFF" : The sound coordinate factors are not
ec4/dB (Sound Coodinate system)
This function allows you to turn off the lower part of the
display if there is too much information in the display.
Display and setting:
"BLK MASK/BMSK ON" : The display will turn on by using only
the upper part of the display and the
IN indicator (KRC-608 only).
"BLK MASK/BMSK OFF" : The display will turn on by using the
whole part of the display.
Black Mask
You can turn the movement of graphic display on and off.
The initial setting is ON.
Display and setting:
"Graphic/GRAP ON" : The graphic display works.
"Graphic/GRAP OFF" : The graphic display does not work.
Switching Graphic Display
Function of the KRC-608
You can dim the display.
The dimmer function is not available for units if the dimmer wire
is not connected.
Display and setting:
"Dimmer ON" : The dimmer setting is on.
"Dimmer OFF" : The dimmer setting is off.
Function of the KRC-608
This adjustment permits easy viewing of the display.
Display and setting:
"Contrast 0" – "Contrast 10"
The initial setting value is "5" .
Contrast Adjustment
Function of the KRC-608
You can switch the color of the button illumination between
green and red.
Display and setting:
“Color Green” : The color of the illumination is green.
“Color Red” : The color of the illumination is red.
Selectable Illumination
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