The Auto Memory function gives precedence to RDS sta-
tions and assigns them from preset number 1. Therefore,
when it is required to preset RDS stations as well as non-RDS
stations, execute the Auto Memory operation first then
proceed to the manual memory operation of non-RDS sta-
VR-2OgOiVR-2080/KRF-V88810i KRF V7771 D tEn/K]
Order of radio station presetting
O_ Other stations than the RDS stations can be stored in the
preset memory by presetting them after the RDS stations
preset by Auto Mere ory as shown below or overwriting the
RDS stations preset in some preset numbers.
Preset number
1 2 ............................................................................................... 39 40
,L';Auto Memory _2_Manual memory
RDS stations _ FM stations
(~ FM stations) or AM stations
Manual memo pf broa caststation
Ill Select the "Tuner" icon.
FJPerform operation in the "Tuner" menu screen.
f_l Perform operation in the "Memory/lOkey Pad"
menu screen.
s Apart from the auto rnemo_ function, RDS stations can also be stored
manually in _he preset memory
• In the manual memory storage operation of radio stations, it may take
a few seconds after the "Memory" con is se ected tll the memory
display starts to blink depending on the receiving condition
O Se|ect the receiving band.
Select the "Band" icon.
Select a station or frequency.
Select the "{_"or "_" icon_
_) Select the "Memory/10key Pad".
O Select "Memory" icon.
• The memory mode "_ " and preset call mode "_"
are sw tched alternately every time the Icon is selected.
Select one of the preset numbers from 1 to 40,
Select numeric icons as follows.,.
To preset in "t5", ........ _ []
• Repeat steps I_,1_1for each of the stations to be sto_ed n memory
a If a station is stored in a preset number which has already stored
a station rnemory under it, the prey ous memory is replaced by the
new memory content,
• If RDS stations ere stored manually in the prese1 rnernory, the PS
may not be included in the memory depending on receiving
Receiving a
Operation in the "Memory/lOkey Pad" menu screen 0 Select the preset number (up to 40} of the desired preset
Select numeric icons as follows,.,
TO receive in "20" ....... _ _ []
• If you make a mistake in entering the figure of 10, select the
icon repeatedly until the originat display is shown, then enter the
correct number
Operation in the "Tuner" menu screen 0 Select the "_ "or "_" icon of "P,CaIf",
When "_J" icons are selected
01_02_03 ...... 38"-39'-40
When "_" icons are selected
I "t
01_02_-03 ...... 38_39_40
• Every time the icon is selected, the next station in the order of the
preset number =sreceived.
If the icon is hed selected. Preset stations will be received suc-
cessivetyfor about half a second each.