Multiple Zones
Chapter Four: Setting Up Multiple Zones
Chapter Four: Setting Up Multiple Zones
The KRF-X7775D offers dual-zone output and control, which
enables you to use a single receiver to control devices and
speakers for two zones (rooms). Due to its advanced fea-
tures and controls, you can play music in one zone while
watching a movie in the other!
Depending on your tastes and budget, you can set up one
of the following “sound scenarios” to make full use of the
Receiver’s capabilities:
No additional amplifier for Zone B: You can use the
Receiver’s Speaker B output for Zone B. This allows you to
listen to full surround sound in Zone A only, or in stereo in
Zone A when Zone B is active. The sound in Zone B will
always be in stereo.
Stereo amplifier for Zone B: You can use an additional
stereo amplifier for Zone B (connected to the Receiver’s Zone
B Preouts). This allows you to listen to full surround sound
in Zone A even if you are also listening in Zone B. The sound
in Zone B will always be in stereo.
Multiple zones require you to run wires and cabling from
the primary zone (Zone A) where your Receiver is installed
to another zone (Zone B) where an IR Receiver (for U.K.
and U.S. military), a second set of speakers, and possibly a
second TV/Monitor is installed:
(Main System)
This chapter discusses some of the connection con-
figurations and additional Remote Control unit setup
necessary if you want to take full advantage of the
Receiver’s multiple-zone capabilities. It contains the fol-
lowing sections:
Making Connections page␣ 45
Connecting the External Infrared Receivers
and IR Repeaters page␣ 46
For U.K. only:
To control the receiver from Zone B an optional IR receiver
is required (see "Connecting the External Infrared Receiv-
ers and IR Repeaters" on page 46).
If you plan on using the KRF-X7775D in a Dual-Zone ap-
plication, you must use the composite video connections
in addition to any S-Video connections. Only video sources
connected with composite connectors can be viewed in the
second zone (Zone B).
You must use the analog audio cable connections. (Digital
inputs are not sent to Zone B.)