During Memory Channel operation, press the VFO/M
key to change to select VFO operation.
Press the M IN key once to initiate memory Scroll. The
M.SCR indicator lights, and the memory Channel Fre-
quency is displayed. (Although the displayed frequency
will change, actual reception will be at the previous fre-
quency (that is, the frequency before the M IN key is
pressed) of the VFO.) Memory shifting can also be
done by pressing the M>V key.
Select a Memory Channel using the TUNING knob, Nu-
meric Keypoad, or MHz (UP/DOWN) key. The fre-
quency stored in the Memory Channel will be displayed.
Mode and antenna number data are not displayed.
To clear Memory Scroll operation, press the CLEAR key
or the M IN key again to restore Memory Channel oper-
4-3-5. Transferring memory information to the VFO.
The following procedure transfers the contents of the Me-
mory Channel to the VFO.
In the VFO mode, press the VFO/M key to set the Me-
mory Channel mode. This returns the Memory Channel
to the status (antenna number, and frequency) prior to
the VFO operation. The VFO selected (A or B) before
setting the Memory Channel mode is displayed. To
transfer the memory contents to a VFO which is not
currently operating, press the A/B key before pressing
the VFO/M key, in order to switch to the desired VFO.
When 14.175 MHz is stored in Memory Channel 23.
Select the desired memory Channel by using the TUN-
ING knob, Numeric Keypad, or MHz (UP/DOWN) key.
Memory Channel 16 containing 21.225 MHz is select-
Press the M>V key. The contents of the Memory
Channel will be transferred to the VFO and operation
changes to the VFO mode.
When the M>V key is pressed, the contents of the VFO
are cleared but the contents of the Memory Channel
will not be cleared.
If nothing is stored in the selected Memory Channel,
only the channel number is displayed; no transfer is
carried out.
Frequency (21.225 MHz) is transferred to the VFO.
When the TUNING knob is turned, the frequency
changes from this new frequency.
Contents of a Memory Channel can be transferred to the
VFO without regard to HF or VHF operation.
Data in the VFO is replaed by the memory data. me-
mory data is not lost during this operation.
In the Memory Scroll mode (M. SCR LED is lit), memory
channel information can also be transferred to the VFO.