3-2-3. Direct keyboard frequency entry
Direct keyboard entry of the frequency is possible us-
ing the numeric keypad on the TS-440S. This allows
rapid changes in frequency without the delays encoun-
tered when using other tuning methods.
1. Select the VFO mode.
2. Press the ENT key.
" "
, ,
The display will indicate
3-2-4. AM reception
There are cases during AM broadcast reception, where
interference in noticeable when SELECTIVITY is W, but
the intelligibility is poor with the radio in the M2 posi-
tion, due to a lack of high frequency response. If this
condition occurs place the SELECTIVITY switch to M2
and rotate the TUNING dial + / -1 kHz from the center
frequency. It should be possible to find a point where
the interference will be a little greater, intelligibility
should be improved.
Another method utilize.s the execellent receiver stabil-
ity of the TS-440S by selecting USB or LSB and tun-
ing to one of the sidebands of the AM signal. The only
disadvantage to this method is that a 5 Hz beat tone
might be detected along with the desired receive signal.
3. Enter the desired operating frequency from Most
Significant Digit to the Least Significant Digit. You
do not have to enter trailing zeros, but you must
enter a leading zero for frequencies between 1 and
3.99999 MHz or two leading zeros for frequencies
between 0.1 and 0.99999 MHz. (03.500.00 MHz).
3-3-1. SSB (USB. LSB) mode
1. Set the MODE keys to USB or LSB. By internation-
al convention frequencies below 10 MHz utilize the
LSB (Lower Sideband) mode, and frequencies
above 10 MHz use USB (Upper Sideband). The ac-
tual switchover point on the TS-440S is 9.5 MHz.
The TS-440S will select the proper mode when you
tune to the desired frequency. You can override this
by simply pressing the desired mode key.
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4. After the last digit has been entered press the ENT
key again to signify you want the radio to change
frequency. If you entered the frequency down to
the nearest 10Hz a beep will sound and the radio
will automatically change to the new frequency
without the need of pressing the ENT key for the
second time.
2. Set the Meter switch to ALC
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3. Press the microphone PTT switch, or set the Stand
by switch from REC to SEND.
4. Speak into the microphone and adjust the MIC gain
control so that the meter deflection does not ex-
ceed the ALC zone on voice peaks.
For example: To enter 14.200.00 MHz there are
two methods:
Method one: Press [ENT], [1], [4], [2], [ENT].
Method two: [ENT], [1], [4], [2], [0], [0], [0], [0].
Adjustment using the ALC meter provides greater ac-
curacy than if you try and use the power meter for ad-
justment. Never adjust for ALC deflection above the
ALC zone, as this will cause distortion of the transmit-
~udio signal.
Attempting to enter a frequency outside the tun-
ing range of the radio will cause the display to return
to" ..".
5. If you make a mistake while entering the frequen-
cy and have not yet pressed the ENT key, or en-
tered the final digit. you may cancel the input by
pressing either the CLEAR key or standby switch.
ALC zone