Built-in Keyer
The full-featured electronic keyer provides solid
and reliable keying at any speed with dual key
inputs on the back — one for a paddle and one
for a key. You can choose between the new
Manual Weight feature where the relative length
of dots and dashes can be altered in 16 steps
between 1:2.5 and 1:4.0, or two types of Auto-
Weight — one that adjusts to the keying speed
automatically and one that works on a fixed
weight percentage. The Weight Reverse function
lessens the weight as the keying speed increases,
allowing for easier switching between keying
hands. And during CW message playback, the
paddle input can be prioritized with the Insert
Keying Settings function.
Packet & FSK
The packet filter bandwidth and AF input/out-
put levels are fully selectable. You can adjust the
ACC2 (PKD) input/output and ANO output
FSK features include selectable shift frequen-
cies between 170, 200, 425 and 850 Hz. The
KEY polarity and Hi/Low tones are switchable
to match your RTTY device (TU, MCP). The
FSK reverse function lets you match transmis-
sion methods to the other party if necessary, for
example changing the BFO frequency from LSB
(normal) to USB (reverse).
FM Features (Built-in)
The TS-570D/S(G) has built-in CTCSS
functionality with 38 sub-tones settings plus
a 1750 Hz tone and switchable Narrow/Wide
deviation modes. The sub-tone can be
set for burst or continuous, depending
on the input requirements of the target
repeater system, and can be assigned to
any of the first 90 memory channels.
FM is not necessarily included in all
Other Features
Automatic Antenna Tuner
The built-in Automatic Antenna Tuner is preset for
immediate matching at 18 points between the 1.8
and 28 MHz Amateur bands. And dual antenna con-
nectors on the TS-570D(G) are an added conve-
nience. (The TS-570S(G) has one connector each for
HF and 6m.)
The VS-3 option provides a synthesized voice out-
put to aid visually-impaired operators or as an
added measure of convenience and safety for
mobile operators.
PC Control Option
You can integrate your TS-570 Series with a PC
via a 9-pin D-SUB and RS-232C interface. The
RCP-2 Radio Control Program also allows the HF
operator to set-up and program multiple radios,
and save the configuration data to disk.
The DRU-3A Digital Recording Unit is an avail-
able option that enhances contesting or general
Data Transfer
Memory settings can be transferred between radios
using the copy mode.
VOX Circuit
In SSB, FM and AM modes the transmitter can be
activated by voice, with a fully selectable delay time
and gain.
Linear Amplifier Control
An external Linear Amplifier can be controlled via
the menu and the remote jack control relay.
Hot Receiver Section
The wide-band receiver covers from 500 kHz
through 30 MHz continuously with high selec-
tivity and sensitivity. The two built-in pre-amps
(one each for high band and low band) allow
you to select better sensitivity or higher IMD
performance, and the dedicated 7 MHz and
14 MHz bandpass filters deliver improved SW
intermodulation rejection.
During split-frequency operations you can
receive your transmit frequency with a touch of
the TF-Set button. The transmit frequency can
be changed, even if the receive frequency is
locked, as long as the button is held.
Other receiver section features include IF
Shift, Noise Blanker to eliminate pulse type
noise, AGC, All-Mode Squelch and RF Gain.
CW Features
In addition to the CW Auto Tune function, the
TS-570D/S(G) has a host of CW features often
found only on larger-class models. The full/semi
break-in switching and delay time settings are
fully adjustable. In semi break-in the delay time
between key release and active receive mode can
be set for between 50 milli-seconds and 1000
milli-seconds. When using VOX operation the
delay time can be set for between 150 milli-
seconds and 3000 milli-seconds. Other features
include CW side tone monitor and volume
setting, CW reverse mode and a 3 channel
CW message memory.
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SPAN 14.0 MHzSWP 10 s CENTER 7.0 MHz
ATT 10 dBREF -29.3 dBm
7.0 MHz
3.0 kHz
1.0 kHz
5 dB/
7MHz–band RF Band Pass Filter Response
Download free RCP-2 control software from the Internet!
Advanced Technology Upgrade is available in new production models and for
pre-existing TS-570D/S; contact your dealer for details.