Close walk-through so safety foot is above
bottom rail but do not lower handle. Pull out
spindle C until it touches mounting surface.
Tighten nut towards the gate frame until
safety foot rests on bottom rail. If hinge starts
to lift, nut is too tight and should be loosened
until hinge is back in position.
With handle in raised position, un-screw
handle spindle D until it is
from mount-
ing surface. Close handle and check all hard-
ware. If correctly installed gate should be
firmly in place and handle will need to be rai-
sed to open and close walk-through. If gate
is unstable, raise handle and unscrew spindle
a little further. Recheck hardware until gate is
secure. Once secure, tighten nut
gate frame.
If gate is not stable reread directions
thoroughly. Make certain gate is appropriate
size for opening and all steps have been fol-
lowed accurately.
A pressure indicator has been added as an
additional safeguard. Lift handle and locate
groove on underside. Return handle to clo-
sed position and place indicator hook under
Push in button while pulling pressure indica-
tor up. Black gauge within indicator will start
moving down. Recommended pressure is
between 4 and 5. If gauge is not within that
range, loosen handle spindle out a little
further and retest pressure.
If unable to obtain recommended pressure, it
is important to know that gate is not defec-
tive, Gate requires a strong, rigid surface to
maintain pressure. It may be necessary to
consult a hardware store or baby proofer to
find a solution for safe installation.