Quick Set Up
Remove the three enclosed AA batteries and install them into
the battery well. Carefully place the red b a t t e ry warning flags into
the battery well. Observe the battery polarity markings at the
bottom of the battery well. After approximately 30 seconds, your
CO alarm will begin monitoring for CO.
Your Kidde CO Alarm is now operational.
Seven (7) years after initial power up, this unit will "chirp" every
30 seconds to indictate that it is time to replace the alarm. After
seven years the device may no longer detect carbon monoxide
accurately and should be replaced immediately. To help identify
the date to replace the unit, a label has been afficed to the side
of the alarm. Write teh "Replace by" date (7 years form power
up) in permanent marker on the label.
Installation Instru c t i o n s
Installation Location
When choosing your installation locations, make sure you can hear the
a l a r m from all sleeping areas. If you install only one carbon monoxide
a l a r m in your home, install the alarm near bedrooms, not in the basement
or furnace ro o m .
• If you have only one alarm, place it near sleeping are a s .
• Position near fuel burning appliances, near fireplaces, furnace
or hot water heater.
Recommended Locations
Upper Levels of Home
Basement Levels of Home
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