
Kirby Morgan 47
© Copyright 1970-2007 Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document #070604002
Follow all the instructions in this manual carefully and heed all safety precautions. Im-
proper use of this diving helmet could result in serious injury or death.
Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. (KMDSI) warns all divers who use Kirby Morgan div-
ing helmets or masks to be sure to use only KMDSI original parts from a KMDSI au-
thorized dealer. Although other parts, O-rings and fittings may appear to fit your Kirby
Morgan diving helmet or mask, they may not be manufactured to the same standards
maintained by KMDSI. The use of any parts other than KMDSI original parts may lead to
equipment failure and accidents.
Diving in waters that are chemically, biologically, or radiologically contaminated is ex-
tremely hazardous. Although Kirby Morgan diving helmets may be adapted for use in
some contaminated environments, special training, equipment, and procedures are
necessary. Do not dive in a contaminated environment unless you have been thoroughly
trained and equipped for this type of diving.
Read this manual before using or maintaining the helmet, even if you have experience with other diving helmets. If
you have purchased the helmet new from a dealer, be sure to send in the warranty registration card so we may
keep you informed of any safety notices that affect this product. If you resell or loan this helmet to another diver,
be sure this manual accompanies the helmet and that the person reads and understands the manual. In addition to the
manual a log book should be used to log all repairs, maintenance and use.
Diving is a life threatening occupation. Even if you do everything right you can still be
killed or injured. None of the models of Kirby Morgan helmets or masks can prevent ac-
cidents, injuries or death due to improper training, poor-health, improper supervision,
improper job requirements, improper maintenance or acts of God.
This helmet was completely checked and should be ready to dive as it was shipped
from the factory. However, it is always the diver’s responsibility to check all the compo-
nents of the helmet prior to diving.
This manual is supplied to the original purchaser of this helmet. If you have any questions about the use of the helmet
or you need another copy of this manual, contact KMDSI or your nearest KMDSI dealer. It may also be downloaded
free from the KMDSI website at www.KirbyMorgan.com.
Any and all fiberglass repairs done to this helmet MUST be done by a KMDSI factory
trained repair facility. Painting is not recommended by KMDSI. Furthermore, many diving
companies will not allow painted helmets to be used because painting can mask previ-
ous fiberglass damage. KMDSI certified technicians are not responsible for certifying
helmets free from damage during annual overhauls.
Helmet shells can be re-gel coated by authorized/certified KMDSI trained technicians
that have received fiberglass training by KMDSI. Helmets that are to be painted for cos-
metic purposes, should be first, certified free of fiberglass damage by an authorized
KMDSI technician certified in fiberglass repair. A log entry should be made in the hel-
met log that the helmet was free of damage prior to painting. Keep in mind other KMDSI
technicians can refuse to work on helmet shells that have previously been painted or
repaired by non KMDSI certified persons.