Gas parts on this list are indicated with *.
Please specify color or plating when ordering parts .
When ordering please give model and serial number
of range.
Parts are available directly from Elmira Stove
Works at 1-800-295-8498.
1. Exhaust Blower ........................................................... #1540
2. Cabinet Door Spring .................................................... #1591
4A. Clock Control Power Board - 120 V ...........................#1489
5. Cabinet Front (Nickelled) ............................................ #1077
9. Charcoal Filter for Exhaust Hood (3 per pkg.) ........... #1442
10. Mesh Filter for Exhaust Hood .....................................#1441
11. Electric Element for Glass Top – 1500W .................. #1477
11. Electric Element – Cast – Small ................................. #1479
11C. Glass Top with Frame & Elements – ST or STE ........ #1467
11D. Glass Top with Frame & Elements – ST or STE ........ #1468
12. Electric Element for Glass Top – 2000W ................... #1478
12. Electric Element – Cast – Large .................................. #1480
*12A. Burner Cap (Small) ..................................................... #1564
*12A. Burner Cap (Medium) .................................................#1565
*12A. Burner Cap (Large) ..................................................... #1566
13A. Switch Knob (Electric) ................................................ #1578
13B. Switch for Large Burner (2000W) .............................. #1359
13C. Switch for Small Burner (1500W) .............................. #1358
*13F. Gas Valves for Top Burners ........................................ #1581
*13G. Switches for Gas Valves ............................................. #1583
*13H. Knob for (13F) Gas Valve ........................................... #1573
14. Pilot Light (Element Indicators)
Orange – 110 Volt ....................................................... #1511
Red – 220 Volt ............................................................ #1512
15. Casting, Reservoir Door .............................................. #1055
17. Oven Light Assembly ..................................................#1354
18. Oven Rack, Electric & Gas Ovens .............................. #1340
20. Broiler Pan & Grill ...................................................... #1338
20B. Convection Roasting Rack .......................................... #1380
21. Oven Door Handle ...................................................... #1515
22. Oven Side Panel (Right or Left) .................................. #1043
23. Hidden Bake Element (Under Oven Floor) .................#1366
*23B. Bottom Bake Burner (Gas) ..........................................#1254
*23C. Ignitor for Bottom and Top Gas Oven Burner ............ #1258
24. Top Broil/TBake Element (Electric) ........................... #1367
*24A. Top Broil Burner (Gas) ............................................... #1260
25. Door Hinge (Right) ...................................................#1336R
25A. Door Hinge (Left) ......................................................#1336L
26. Self Clean Latch – Motorized ..................................... #1334
28. Casting, Fire Door ....................................................... #1049
29. Casting, Oven Door ..................................................... #1047
30. Ash Catch .................................................................... #1037
31. Splashback ................................................................... #1093
32. Oven Thermometer (Decorative only) ........................ #1445
33. Handle, Cabinet Door .................................................. #1553
34. Cabinet Door & Hinge ................................................ #1087
35. Cabinet Cresting .......................................................... #1051
36. Cabinet Brackets – Right .............................................#1079
Cabinet Brackets – Left ............................................... #1080
37. Casting, Side Skirt (Right or Left) .............................. #1057
38. Leg ............................................................................... #1036
39. Casting, Front Skirt ..................................................... #1053
40. Handles for Fire & Oven Door (Nickelled) ................#1576
41. Oven Door Gasket ....................................................... #1325
42. Porcelain Oven Door Liner ......................................... #1387
43. Power Block (Bakelite) – 110V & 240V .................... #1381
*44. Spark Module, 4 Burners – Reignition ........................#1579
*44A. Spark Module, 6 Burners – Reignition ........................#1580
*45. Gas Regulator, (Models 1865, 1870, 1875) ................ #1497
*45A. Gas Regulator (Models 1860, 1867) ........................... #1270
*46. Cast Grate ....................................................................#1568
*47. Burner Bezel – Porcelained,
(Holds Small Burner) ...............................................#1074-8
Burner Bezel – Porcelained,
(Holds Medium Burner)
Burner Bezel – Porcelained,
(Holds Large Burner)
48. Convection Fan (110 Volts) ........................................ #1377
48A. Convection Element (Round) ...................................... #1365
48B. Convection Baffle ....................................................... #1318
*48C. Gas Deflector, Oven Bottom ....................................... #1262
49. Oven Sensor ................................................................ #1351
50. Glass Control Panel - Self Clean ................................. #1485
50A. Glass Control Panel - Convection ............................... #1486
52. Installation & Operating Manual-All Models ..........#1604-8
53. Pancake Griddle For Gas .............................................#4240
53A. Pancake Griddle, Fits All Electric ............................... #6050
*54. Oven Vent Cap – Fits Gas Top Models ..................... #1246
55. Oven Thermodisk ...................................................... #1507
56. Cooling Fan Thermodisk ........................................... #1509
Where Can I Find the Model and
Serial Number?
Both gas and electric certification plates are located on the
underside of the ash catch (this is the piece that attaches
with three screws to the bottom of the oven door).