If you need service...
In the event your KitchenAid appliance should
ever need service, call the dealer from whom
you purchased the appliance or a KitchenAid-
authorized service company. A KiichenAid-
authorized service company is listed in the
Yellow Pages of your telephone directory under
“Appliances-Major-Service or Repair”. You can
also obtain the service company’s name and
telephone number by dialing, free within the
continental United States, the KiichenAid
Consumer Assistance Center telephone, l-800-
422-l 230. A special operator will tell you the
name and number of your nearest KiichenAid-
authorized service company. Maintain the
quality built into your KitchenAid appliance-call
a KitchenAid-authorized service company.
Part No. 3395322 Rev. B
01993 KitchenAid.
@Registered Trademark of KitchenAid.
If dryer does not
operate properly...
If dryer will not operate, check to be sure that:
A. Power supply cord is connected.
B. The house fuse has not blown or
circuit breaker has not tripped.
C. Door is closed.
D. Controls are set in a running or “ON” position.
E. Start button has been pushed firmly.
F. Gas supply line shutoff valve is open.
When moving the dryer...
l Disconnect the power supply cord and tape
securely to dryer.
l Shut off the gas supply valve controls in the
gas supply line.
l Disconnect gas pipe fittings from dryer and cap
thegas supply line.
l Tape the drum to the front panel. Tape the
dryer door, lint screen lid and end of dryer gas
l Adjust leveling legs all the way in.
Before installing your dryer in your new home,
check with your gas supplier or dealer to see
that your dryer is equipped with the correct
burner for the particular type of gas in your new
home. Burner information may be found on the
serial/rating plate in the door well of the dryer.
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Prepared by KitchenAid, St. Joseph, Michigan 49085
If you need
The KitchenAid Consumer Assistance Center
will answer any questions about operating or
maintaining your dryer not covered in the
Installation Instructions and Use and Care
Guide. The KitchenAid Consumer Assistance
Center is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Just dial l-800-422-1230 -the call is free.
When you call, you will need the dryer model
number and serial number. Both numbers can
be found on the serial/rating plate located on
the door well of the dryer.
Printed on recycled paper.
10% post consumer waste/
50% recovered materials.
Printed in U.S.A.