
1. Select the correct
grind for the
brew process you
are using. 15
grind levels are
available in half-
step increments
from 1 to 8. Level 8 produces a
very fine grind perfect for
espresso, 4
2 to 6 are medium
grinds appropriate for automatic
drip coffee makers, and 1 is a
coarse grind suited to French Press
brewing. Experiment – your tastes
may be better served by using a
slightly finer or coarser grind.
2. For standard drip-process coffee,
a good starting point is to use
28 g of coffee
for every 500
ml of brew
water as
measured with
the carafe
(a carafe “cup”
is about 127 ml). Finer grinds
usually require less coffee, but
using too fine a grind will result
in bitter flavor – see “How the
Grind Affects Flavor” on page 13.
If you prefer substantially
weaker-than-average coffee, it’s
best to brew using a normal
amount of ground coffee and
then dilute the result with hot
water. Doing this will maximize
flavor and minimize bitterness.
3. Ground coffee loses flavor and
aroma very quickly. For the best
results, grind only as much as you
intend to immediately use.
4. To retain freshness, coffee beans
should be stored in an airtight
container and kept in a cool, dark
place. It is not recommended that
you store beans in the burr
grinder’s bean hopper for a
prolonged period.
5. Clean the coffee bin and cutting
burrs frequently.
6. Grinding flavored coffee beans
will impart an off-taste to any
other coffee that is ground in the
grinder. If you enjoy flavored
coffee, it’s best to add flavored
syrups or creamers to your coffee
after brewing or dedicate another
grinder for grinding flavored
beans only.
NOTE: The burrs will require more
frequent cleaning when grinding
flavored coffee beans. The burr
grinder is intended for grinding
whole coffee beans only. Do not
grind other food items.
Burr Grinder Tips