Before calling for service...
If your appliance fails to operate, review the following list and the "Solving Com-
mon Dishwashing Problems" section on pages 21-23 before calling your dealer.
This could save you the cost of a service call.
Dishwasher is not operating properly
Dishwasher does
not run or stops
during a cycle
Dishwasher will
not fill
seems to run
. .too long
Water remains
in dishwasher
remains in
detergent cup
White residue
appears on front
of access panel
Odor in the
Is the door tightly closed?
Has the cycle been set correctly? See page 6.
Has a household fuse or circuit breaker blown or tripped?
Is the water supply turned on?
If the motor has stopped because of an overload, it will automatically
reset itself within a few minutes. If the motor does not start, call for service.
Is the overflow protection float stuck in "up" position? It should move up
and down freely. Press down to release. See page 18.
Is the incoming water temperature low?The dishwasher will run longer
while water automatically heats or if the High Temp. Wash option has
been selected. Set your water heater to ensure that the water entering
the dishwasher is at least 120°F (49°C).
Wait for the cycle to finish. A small amount of water remaining is normal.
Check the drain air gap (if installed). If it is clogged, follow the manu-
facturer's cleaning instructions. See page 20.
Use fresh detergent and store it tightly closed in a cool, dry place.
Throw away any lumpy detergent.
Wait for the cycle to complete itself.
Overflow protection float should move up and down freely. See page 18.
Some detergents foam a lot and can build up on the access panel.
Try using less detergent or a different brand to reduce foaming
and eliminate buildup.
Run a Rinse Only cycle at least once or twice a day until a full load
is accumulated.