www.kodak.com/go/aiosupport 109
quick dial, 69
receiving fax, 73—74
automatically, 73
manually, 74
recycling printer or supplies, 76
redial button, location, 10
reducing copies
documents, 43, 44
photos, 45, 47
regulatory compliance, 101
Canadian, 102
European, 102
German, 102
REACH Article 33 declarations, 103
waste labeling, European Union, 103
reminder list, printing, 33
ink cartridges, 79—81
printhead, 85—88
resolution, scanning, 49, 50
rings to answer, 65
safety information, 100—101
scan mode button location, 10
scanner glass
cleaning, 77
location, 9
scanner lid, location, 9
scanner type, 94
scanning, 48—59
automatically detect pictures, 50
features, 94
file format
document, 49
picture, 50
from computer, 56
from control panel, 57—59
from Online Printer Management Tool, 59
loading originals, 55
multiple pictures simultaneously, 56
resolution, 49, 50
selecting quality, 50
setting options, 58—59
Service Set Identifier, 15
setting options, 37—38
copy documents, 42—43
copy photos, 45—46
fax, 65—67
photos, 37—38
scanning, 58—59
sheet music, printing, 33
sleep mode, 12
downloading (updating), 82—83
support, 96
specifications, 93—99
physical dimensions, 96
power, 96
weight, 96
SSID, 15
Start black button, location, 10
Start color button, location, 10
supplies, ordering, 12
system requirements, minimum, 97—99
telephone service
cable, 60
digital subscriber line (DSL), 60, 61
Internet (VOIP), 60
standard, 60
tic-tac-toe, printing, 33
time and date, setting, 12
time to low power, setting, 12
transferring pictures to computer, 41
transparencies, 24
tray, paper input, capacity
envelopes, 28
photo paper, 27
plain paper, 26
troubleshooting, 89—92
two-sided printing, 31—32
firmware, 82—83
software, 82—83
USB connection, changing to wireless, 22—23
USB ports
location, 9
USB-connected device, printing from, 35
viewing photos, 34
warranty, 96, 103—105
ink, 95
Web support
contact information, 100