Taking pictures and videos
Rear-curtain-flash sync
activates automatically when the flash is fired and the shutter
speed is set at 1/30 second or longer. The flash fires just before the shutter closes to create
a stream-of-light effect behind a moving object for a more natural appearance. This
feature prevails only in S, M, and C and in Night portrait mode.
Flash settings in each mode
Flash settings are pre-set for each picture-taking mode.
Flash modes Flash fires
When the lighting conditions require it.
Fill Every time you take a picture, regardless of the lighting
conditions. Use when the subject is in shadow or is “backlit”
(when the sun is behind the subject). In low light, hold the
camera steady or use a tripod. See Tips for better pictures
on page 34.
Red-eye Once, so the subject’s eyes become accustomed to the flash,
then fires again when the picture is taken. (If the lighting
conditions require flash but do not require Red-eye reduction,
the flash may fire only once.)
Off Never
Capture modes Default setting Available settings
Auto Auto* Auto, Off, Fill Flash, Red-eye
Portrait Auto* Auto, Off, Fill Flash, Red-eye
Sports Auto* Auto, Off, Fill Flash, Red-eye
P, A, S, M, or C Auto* Auto, Off, Fill Flash, Red-eye
Scene modes
Close-up Off Auto, Off, Fill Flash
Landscape Off Off
Night Portrait Red-eye* Auto, Off, Fill Flash, Red-eye
P, A, S,
M, C