www.kodak.com/go/aiosupport 17
KODAK ESP 3200 Series All-in-One Printer
4. Press to go through the options, and press or as needed to change the
settings below:
Copy Document Option Settings Description
Quantity 1 (default) to 99 The number of copies that print.
Copy Size Same Size
The copy is the same size as the
Fit to Page The printer detects the size of the
original on the scanner glass and the
size of the paper in the paper tray, and
automatically reduces or enlarges the
original so that the copy fits on the
20% to 500% Reduces up to 20% or enlarges up to
500% of the original size.
Plain Paper Quality Normal
Good quality output; prints faster than
Best The highest quality, but the slowest
print speed; eliminates the banding
effect that sometimes occurs when
printing Draft or Normal.
Draft The fastest print speed, but the lowest
Photo Paper Quality Automatic
The printer detects when you load
photo paper and sets Best quality
Color Color
Prints full color.
Black & White Prints black and white (gray scale).
Brightness -3 to +3
(0 is default)
Lightens or darkens the copy.
0 (Normal) is no change from the
original; -3 is the darkest; +3 is the
Save as Defaults No / Yes To save settings as the new default:
press OK, select Ye s , then press OK.