Product Name Description Marking Code
4H0799 KAF-10500-CXA-JH-AA-Offset
Color (Bayer RGB), Special Microlenses, PGA Package, IR Absorbing Cover
Glass with AR coating (both sides), Standard grade
4H0800 KAF-10500-CXA-JH-AE-Offset
Color (Bayer RGB), Special Microlenses, PGA Package, IR Absorbing Cover
Glass with AR coating (both sides), Engineering grade
(Serial Number)
4H0846 KEK-4H0846-KAF-10500-12-24 Evaluation Board (Complete Kit) N/A
Please see the User’s Manual (MTD/PS-0982) for information on the Evaluation Kit for this part.
Please see ISS Application Note “Product Naming Convention” (MTD/PS-0892) for a full description of naming convention
used for KODAK image sensors.
For all reference documentation, please visit our Web Site at www.kodak.com/go/imagers.
Address all inquiries and purchase orders to:
Image Sensor Solutions
Eastman Kodak Company
Rochester, New York 14650-2010
Phone: (585) 722-4385
Fax: (585) 477-4947
Kodak reserves the right to change any information contained herein without notice. All information furnished by Kodak is
believed to be accurate.
©Eastman Kodak Company, 2007 www.kodak.com/go/imagers Revision 5.0 MTD/PS-0962