4 Toning Black-and-White Materials • G-23
After you have selected a toner for your prints, follow the
appropriate procedure below. Be sure to check the toner
packaging for precautionary information.
Note: Observe the precautionary information on all
chemical packages. The active ingredient in Rapid Selenium
Toner is a sulfite salt that has a concentration of less than 2
percent. Working solutions of the toner generally contain
less than
percent selenium sulfite. These selenium
concentrations are not considered hazardous when you
handle the solutions under normal conditions. However, we
recommend that you use print tongs and wear clean rubber
gloves when you use this toner. If toner splashes onto your
skin, wash immediately with plenty of water.
If the prints you plan to tone are already dried, rewet them by
immersing them in a fixing bath, and then rewash them.
Otherwise, staining may occur.
1. Dilute the toner with water according to the tone change
you want.
2. Immerse a thoroughly washed print in the toner solution
at 20°C (68°F) and agitate the print. Complete toning
occurs in 2 to 8 minutes, depending on the paper type
and weight.
3. When the print has almost the required tone, remove it
from the toning bath; toning will continue to some
extent in the wash.
Wash fiber-base prints in running water at 18 to 20°C
(65 to 75°F) for one hour, or use KODAK Hypo Clearing
Agent to reduce the wash time; wash resin-coated prints for
4 minutes.
Note: If you use Hypo Clearing Agent after fixing fiber-base
prints, you can use a working solution of Hypo Clearing
Agent to dilute Rapid Selenium Toner 1:20 or 1:40, and
eliminate the wash step between fixing and toning. To avoid
stains, don’t rinse the prints after fixing; immerse them
directly into the combination bath, and tone for
approximately 3 minutes for print protection or longer for a
tone change. Do not reuse this Hypo Clearing Agent bath to
treat untoned prints; it will contain traces of toner. After
using this combination bath, wash the prints for at least
30 minutes in running water at 18 to 20°C (65 to 75°F) with
frequent agitation.
To Use Rapid Selenium Toner with Black-and-White
Dilute the toner 1:29. After washing the film,
immerse it in the toner solution at 20°C (68°F) for 4 minutes
with occasional agitation. Wash the film in running water at
18 to 20°C (65 to 75°F) for 20 to 30 minutes. Dry the film in
a dust-free place.
Note: You may notice a slight increase in contrast when you
treat film with a 1:29 dilution. Higher concentrations (1:3 or
1:9) will increase the contrast.
Note: Wear rubber gloves when you mix or use Brown
1. Dilute 30 millilitres (1 fluidounce) of Brown Toner in
946 millilitres (1 quart) of water and mix thoroughly.
2. Immerse a thoroughly washed print in the toner
solution, and agitate. Tone prints for 15 to 20 minutes at
20°C (68°F) or for 3 to 4 minutes at 38°C (100°F) with
continuous agitation.
3. When toning is complete, remove the print from the
toning bath and rinse it with water for 2 minutes.
4. Treat fiber-base prints in Hypo Clearing Agent for
1 minute, and then treat them in a bath made from 1 part
KODAK Liquid Hardener
and 13 parts water for 2 to
5 minutes.
Note: If hardening is required for resin-coated prints,
you can treat them in the same way.
Wash fiber-base prints in running water at 18 to 20°C
(65 to 75°F) for 30 minutes; wash resin-coated prints for
4 minutes.
To Use Brown Toner with Black-and-White Films.
Prepare the toner as described above. After washing the film,
immerse it in the toner solution at 20°C (68°F) for
15 minutes with occasional agitation. Wash the film in
running water at 18 to 20°C (65 to 75°F) for 20 to
30 minutes. Dry the film in a dust-free place.
* Eliminate this treatment if prints were treated with a hardening fixer during
processing. We recommend using a non-hardening fixer such as KODAK
PROFESSIONAL Rapid Fixer Part A only for prints that you plan to tone.