
C-4 April 29, 2004
Can’t recover deleted images. Copy any images on the card to your computer,
do a quick format, then use the Recover
function. If the images have not previously been
overwritten, it may be possible to recover them.
Images are out of focus. Check that focus area is set correctly. Consider
locking focus area.
Color is not right. Change white balance setting to match the
current lighting. Consider capturing an image
of a gray card and using Click Balance.
Images have low contrast. Use the histogram to see if you are using the full
dynamic range. Consider changing ISO, using
flash, or changing from Programmed Auto to
Shutter-Priority or Aperture-Priority Auto
Exposure mode.
Some subject matter is out of
Consider changing depth of field, or increasing
the f-number.
Images in the viewfinder look
Adjust the viewfinder diopter.
The wrong language appears on
camera screens.
Choose Language from the Tools menu and
select the correct language.
Accidentally deleted an image. Use the Recover function to recover all images
that have not been overwritten.
Image contrast is wrong in the
Image LCD.
Adjust using the Display Contrast feature.
Exposure is off. Capture a test image, use the histogram and
zoom to 1:1 to view luminometer readings and
determine if exposure adjustments (aperture,
shutter speed, ISO) are necessary.
Problem Cause Remedy